Exploring Network Mapping - Pentestmag

Exploring Network Mapping


Dear Readers,

This issue is designed for everyone, who is keen to explore network mapping – the initial stage of network and systems vulnerability assessment.
The issue will answer most frequently asked questions about scripts and commands, which an analyst need to employ during the process of scanning and testing. The primer focus of the publications was centered on Nmap tool, its NSE and functionality.

You will learn how to perform various scan types from basic ones to advance as well as acknowledge with other scanning tools such as Unicornscan and hping3. A detailed explanation of three way handshake will prepare you to perform mapping process properly from any level of user experience.
Description and tutorial of NSE will introduce you to script categories of Nmap and provide with better insight on functions a scanning the tool implies. But scanning and testing is only a partial procedure a tester performs. The generated outcome entails to report preparation, which your client expects to acquaint with. The final stage is report of the scanning and testing results, which may turn to be less time consuming if you get advised by Nmap Reporting publication.

By the end of the issue you may get absorbed by a guideline of web injections execution and antivirus evasion stages. Obviously, hacking practice requires confident comprehension of the flip sides of the same coin. Hence, the theory and the practice on how to bypass firewalls, deal with injections and work with antivirus platforms will gradually assist you on your way to pile up your knowledge and experience in one skill performance.

Enjoy exploring network scanning and hacking with the new methods!

Make your interpersonal and professional upgrade with PenTest Magazine!


July 23, 2021
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