The Most Notorious Bugs: SQL Injection & XSS (W49) - Pentestmag

Course Curriculum

Module 1
(W49M01) Introduction to XSS 00:00:00
(W49M01) Finding XSS 00:00:00
(W49M01) Reflected XSS 00:00:00
(W49M01) Stored XSS 00:00:00
(W49M01) DOM XSS 00:00:00
Module 2
(W49M02) Introduction 00:00:00
(W49M02) Error-based SQL Injection 00:00:00
(W49M02) Blind SQL Injection 00:00:00
(W49M02) Automated Testing 00:00:00
(W49M02) Manual Testing 00:00:00
Module 3
(W49M03) Introduction to Requests Library 00:00:00
(W49M03) Sending GET Requests 00:00:00
(W49M03) Sending POST Requests 00:00:00
Module 4
(W49M04) Introduction 00:00:00
(W49M04) Taking Dynamic Input from CLI 00:00:00
(W49M04) XSS (The Algorythm) 00:00:00
(W49M04) XSS (Crawling Links) 00:00:00
(W49M04) XSS (Filtering Links with Parameters) 00:00:00
(W49M04) XSS (Testing Dangerous Characters) 00:00:00
(W49M04) XSS (Testing The Payload) 00:00:00
(W49M04) Writing Output to the File 00:00:00
(W49M04) SQLI (The Algorythm) 00:00:00
(W49M04) Creating SQLI Scanner pt. 1 00:00:00
(W49M04) Creating SQLI Scanner pt.2 00:00:00
(W49Q01) FINAL EXAM Unlimited
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