Pentest Open November'2014 - Pentestmag

Pentest Open November'2014


Dear PenTest Readers!

PenTest team is really delighted to declare a new issue of PenTest magazine. In this event, a lot of tutorials and practice rich articles are embedded for you to grow your technical skills and knowledge. Our permanent goal was and still is to supply our readers with exactly the knowledge and skills they require in their professional careers. Hereby, we will be really glad to receive your suggestions of workshops, tutorials, what you need most to see in our magazine, and so on.

Let's take a look at what you will engage in this issue of PenTest, Our experts will instruct you how to efficiently break the user passwords of an SAP system.  Then, we go inside the corporation's life and how to execute an effective corporate assessment for maintaining OpSec, dealing with all types of information leaks within. Afterwards that, you are proceeding to engage a journey in the world of Formula Injection vulnerability and how it involves applications that export spreadsheet files which are dynamically constructed from inadequately validated input data.

To boot, our experts will introduce readers to the HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS), that has broad security perspectives of the passive network attack, the active network attack and the web development error. Not the least, Nmap, the well known platform for information gathering, will be presented and how a pentester can perform several new information-gathering tasks using map such as collecting an IP, checking if a host is conducting malicious activities. Lastly, you will find out about the different threats to the IT Infrastructures, further you will learn about the various attacks that can be taken out against Network, Software components and Major threats.

We would like to say a  "Thank You" and show our gratitude to our experts who contributed to this issue and upcoming workshops, all the same, we invite other experts for collaboration for the succeeding issues, please get in touch.
If interested to receive a real life penetration testing journey with our rich content workshops, publications, tutorials, etc., Or want to get in contact with our team, please feel free to get in touch with us.

Hope you all enjoy the issue.


PenTest Team


July 23, 2021
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