Metasploit Framework Guide for PenTesters - Pentestmag

Metasploit Framework Guide for PenTesters



Metasploit: An Introduction
by Manasdeep
Many times during payload execution, we come across 'bad' characters such as Null (0X00) byte, new line characters which can be trapped by built in application which uses sanitization ?lters on received input. Msfencode helps us to encode the exploit and get rid of bad characters to bypass those input ?lters. It also signi?cantly reduces the dangers of being caught by IDS tool.

Metasploit Fu post exploitation
by Harsimran Walia
Another way to detect an attack or malicious activity on the system is by forensic analysis. Just by deleting the system and user logs one cannot be sure that it is completely stealthy. The forensic analyst usually checks for all the modified files on the target after a certain date and time. This is done by reading the 4 date and time stamp attributes of a file which is known as MACE.

Hacking exploitmodule formetasploit. Bend Metasploit to your will...
by Patrick Fitzgerald
This article is not about going through what Metasploit is, or how to use the framework; its purpose is to give those looking to get more out of Metasploit a start into how they can extend the framework for their own needs. To illustrate this process this article will cover not only what's required to create an exploit module for the framework but will cover the entire process of creating a custom exploit for a vulnerability in a piece of software, right through to creating a custom module for theMetasploit framework.

Playing with smb and authentication
by Guglielmo Scaiola
Ok folks, when you are reading this title you are thinking Hey, this stuff is old crap, it’s impossible who this attack are yet working in native windows 2008 R2 Active Directory Domain... But... You are wrong. This stuff still working in the state of the art infrastructure. And I want to show you... My point of view.

Advance Meterpreter with API, Mixins and Railgun
by Abhinav Singh
From a penetration tester's point of view, it is very essential to know how to implement their own scripting techniques, to fulfill the needs of their scenario. There can be situations when you have to perform tasks where meterpreter may not be enough to solve your requirements. So you cannot sit back. This is where developing own scripts and modules becomes handy. In this tutorial, we will discuss the meterpreter API and some important mixins. Then in later recipes, we will code our own meterpreter scripts.

The Inside-Outsider - Leveraging Web Application Vulnerabilities + Metasploit to become the Ultimate Insider
by Abhay Bhargav
Perhaps the most useful command, and the one that gave us comprehensive access to the inside network was the use of the incognito option in the meterpreter. The incognito command in the meterpreter allows you to impersonate users on the network. Windows systems use tokens as a measure of authentication and authorization while accessing a network. These tokens are not unlike web cookies that can be used by windows users to not have to constantly authenticate to gain access to network resources or system resources4. SYSTEM is the highest privilege in the tokens available in a target system.

Metasploit for Penetration Testing
by Ankhorus Cyber Security
For our case, we are using the reverse tcp meterpreter which can be set using the command, set PAYLOAD windows/meter- preter/reverse_tc which spawns a shell if the remote server is successfully exploited. Now again you must view the available options using show options to make sure all the compulsory sections are properly filled so that the exploit is launched properly.


July 23, 2021
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