Advanced Wireless Penetration Testing (W15) - Pentestmag

Advanced Wireless Penetration Testing (W15)


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Module 1:
  1. Introducing to IEEE 802.11 “Wireless protocol”
  2. Introduction to wireless communication
  3. Wireless Encryption
  4. Wireless authentication and De-authentication
  5. Wireless association and re-association
  6. Wireless Modules
  7. How to choose your wireless card

Module 2:
  1. Introduction to Air-crack suite
  2. Wireshark
  3. Introduction to open wireless networks
  4. Packet capturing
  5. Packet Analysis

Module 3 :
  1. ARP Packet replay attack
  2. Korek ChopChop attack
  3. Fragmentation Attack
  4. Introduction to WEP protocol
  5. Cracking WEP encrypted Wireless network (Open Authentication)
+ Demo Video

Module 4:
  1. Cracking WEP encrypted Wireless network (Shared Key Authentication)
  2. MAC Address filtering and how to bypass it
  3. Introduction to WPA/WPA2 protocol
  4. Cracking WPA2 encrypted wireless network with dictionary list
  5. Cracking WPA2 encrypted wireless network with Rainbow tables
  6. How to create your rainbow table
  7. How to capture a valid three way-handshake
+ Demo Video

Module 5:
  1. Introduction to wireless client side attacks
  2. Rouge access point
  3. Install rouge access point to capture the three way handshake and crack it
  4. Traffic capturing and apply specific filters to get traffic of interest
  5. Introduction to Metasploit
  6. Introduction to karmetasploit attack (Mix between aircrack and metasploit)
+ Demo Video

  1. Introduction to a complete penetration testing scenario “From wireless to Domain Admin” “Vidoeo 2 parts”
  2. Install rouge access point
  3. Force the client connect to it
  4. Scan the client for vulnerability
  5. Get access to client machine
  6. Escalate our privilege
  7. Create domain admin “And this is the flag we need to capture”
The participants will have a solid knowledge about wireless communication and encryption protocols, the ability to crack wireless keys and to carry out wireless penetration testing and integrate it with the infrastructure penetration testing.

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