Penetration Testing Online + 270 days Lab access + Certification - Pentestmag

Penetration Testing Online + 270 days Lab access + Certification


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How does does the training look like?

  1. Each course takes one month.
  2. The courses are being led in groups up to 20 people.
  3. Each course can be attended at the 3 levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced.
  4. The attendee wanting to join a course must subscribe to a particular course.
  5. Each attendee can train his skills with a use of a “lab in a box”. The ability to train the skills in a real-life situations is what makes our courses worth attention.
  6. The whole course is divided into 8 particular issues.
  7. Twice in a week the instructor provides the students with the materials regarding the topic of this particular issue. Each portion of the delivered materials is gathered in a form of an in-depth article describing and explaining the topic. Additionally the instructor is sharing other media files, like videos, if applicable.
  8. Except of the article, each lesson includes homework to test the gained knowledge and skills of the student. Once the homework is done, the student is sharing his results with the instructor and having a live chat with him in the appointed hours.
  9. Additionally, for the course period, the instructor is available via e-mail for students to ask questions and confront their thoughts with the instructor.
  10. The additional option of the courses is the possibility for the students to interact with themselves, seeking some support or just discussing some course related issues.


The only pentesting course which gives you the access to the virtual penetration testing lab, where you can train your skills in a real-life situations.
The BackTrack Linux 5r2-PenTesting Edition lab is an all-in-one penetration testing lab environment that includes all of the hosts, network infrastructure, tools, and targets necessary to practice penetration testing. It includes:
  • A master (base) host utilizing BackTrack Linux 5r2
  • A DMZ network with two hosts (targets)
  • An “internal” network with one host (target)
  • A pre-configured firewall
This lab has some of the most popular penetration testing tools pre-installed and a number of vulnerabilities to discover and exploit. This all-in-one solution is the easiest and fastest method of building a full penetration testing lab environment for practicing your skills!


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