The power of customer collaboration in pentest projects - Pentestmag

The power of customer collaboration in pentest projects

Mar 8, 2024

The goal of many pentesters is to improve security. Yet, the deliverable for many pentests is still not cybersecurity but simply a pentest report. That gap in goals versus results remains significant and impactful. 

At the same time, dev teams are increasingly leaning on cloud platforms and scanners that integrate into teams. Scanners flag items and deliver vulnerabilities on an item-by-item basis, complete with prioritization, generic remediation data, and criticality information. 

Organizations are becoming increasingly aware that they need pentesting services not just to meet regulatory compliance but also to protect their organization from breaches. As a result, pentesting is shifting into a digital service, with some organizations increasing the volume of pentesting and adding in DAST and SAST tools to supplement that security environment. Vulnerability management tools are on the rise, with a market size of $14.5 billion. Yet, most external pentest teams still work outside that system of digital work and vulnerability management, instead sticking to traditional reporting tools, PDF reports, and single-touch pentesting. 

Scanners will never replace manual insight or actual pentesting, but pentesters wishing to deliver more security can take notes and take steps to adjust delivery accordingly.

That includes taking steps to: 

  • Integrate into teams and their workflows and processes 
  • Deliver security and remediation rather than "just a report”
  • Deliver value across....

March 8, 2024


Luis Abreu
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