Cybersecurity Testing for Industrial Control Systems (W42) - Pentestmag

Course Curriculum

Before the course
(W00) Course Instructions 00:00:00
Module 1
(W42M01) Introduction 00:00:00
(W42M02) Module 1 Topics - overview 00:00:00
(W42M03) Industrial Control Systems Cybersecurity Overview 00:00:00
(W42M04) CIA 00:00:00
(W42M05) History of Industrial Control Systems (ICS) 00:00:00
(W42M06) Overview of ICS Components 00:00:00
(W42M07) VT SCADA LIGHT Demo 00:00:00
(W42M08) Overview of ICS Components - Part 2 00:00:00
(W42M09) Do-More Designer - PLC demo video 00:00:00
(W42M00) Programmable Logic Controller – Ladder Logic 00:00:00
(W42M00) PLC Functions - Demo video 00:00:00
(W42M10) Overview of ICS Components - Part 3 00:00:00
(W42M00) Safety Instrumented Systems 00:00:00
(W42M11) Industrial Control System Network Architecture Fundamentals 00:00:00
(W42M12) Industrial Control System versus Information Technology 00:00:00
(W42M13) Weaknesses in Industrial Control Systems 00:00:00
(W42M00) Overview of ICS Cyber Kill Chain 00:00:00
(W42Q01) Module 1 Review Questions 00:10:00
Module 2
(W42M14) Module 2 Topics - overview 00:00:00
(W42M15) History of Industrial Control System Communication 00:00:00
(W42M16) Survey of ICS Protocols - Modbus 00:00:00
(W42M17) Modbus TCP 00:00:00
(W42M18) Modbus security concerns 00:00:00
(W42M19) Modbus - demo video (1) 00:00:00
(W42M20) Modbus - demo video (2) 00:00:00
(W42M21) Modbus - demo video (3) 00:00:00
(W42M22) Survey of ICS Protocols - Distributed Network Protocol 3 (DNP3) 00:00:00
(W42M23) DNP3 Security Concerns 00:00:00
(W42M24) DNP3 Packet Capture Video Demo (1) 00:00:00
(W42M25) DNP3 Packet Capture Video Demo (2) 00:00:00
(W42M26) Survey of ICS Protocols - ICCP Protocol 00:00:00
(W42M27) ICCP Security Concerns 00:00:00
(W42M28) ICCP Packet Capture Video Demo 00:00:00
(W42M29) Survey of ICS Protocols - Other (1) 00:00:00
(W42M30) BACnet Packet Capture Video Demo 00:00:00
(W42M31) Survey of ICS Protocols - Other (2) 00:00:00
(W42A03) Modbus PLC Lab UNLIMITED
(W42M00) EtherNet/IP & IEC 60870-5-104 or IEC-104 00:00:00
(W42M00) Can-Bus 00:00:00
(W42M00) How to build a Simulated Can-Bus Lab (Optional)  00:00:00
(W42Q02) Module 2 Review Questions 00:10:00
Module 3
(W42M32) Module 3 Topics - overview 00:00:00
(W42M33) Penetration Testing in ICS Environment 00:00:00
(W42M34) ICS Reconnaissance - Shodan 00:00:00
(W42M35) Shodan Demo Video 00:00:00
(W42M36) ICS Reconnaissance - leebaird/discover bash scripts 00:00:00
(W42M37) ICS Reconnaissance - Google Dorking 00:00:00
(W42M38) ICS Reconnaissance - Maltego 00:00:00
(W42M00) Maltego - In action 00:00:00
(W42M39) Passive Testing Techniques (1) 00:00:00
(W42M40) GRASSMARLIN Demo Video 00:00:00
(W42M41) Passive Testing Techniques (2) 00:00:00
(W42M42) Suricata Demo Video 00:00:00
(W42M43) Passive Testing Techniques (3) 00:00:00
(W42M44) Zeek Demo Video 00:00:00
(W42M45) Security Onion Demo Video 00:00:00
(W42M46) Active Testing Techniques - Port Scanning 00:00:00
(W42M47) Nmap Demo Video 00:00:00
(W42M00) Dangers of Port Scanning in ICS Environments 00:00:00
(W42A06) Nmap Lab UNLIMITED
(W42M48) Active Testing Techniques - Vulnerability Scanner 00:00:00
(W42M49) OpenVAS Demo Video 00:00:00
(W42M50) Active Testing Techniques - Metasploit Framework 00:00:00
(W42M51) Metasploit Demo Video 00:00:00
(W42A08) Metasploit Labs UNLIMITED
(W42M52) Active Testing Techniques - Exploitation Frameworks 00:00:00
(W42M54) Active Testing Techniques - Fuzzers 00:00:00
(W42M55) Ripple20 Case Study 00:00:00
(W42Q03) Module 3 Review Questions 00:12:00
Module 4
(W42M56) Module 4: Topics Covered 00:00:00
(W42M57) Review ICS Pen Testing Process 00:00:00
(W42M58) ICS Pen Testing Reporting Process 00:00:00
(W42M59) Components of a PenTest Report 00:00:00
(W42M60) Risk Mitigation Process 00:00:00
(W42M61) CVSS Demo Video 00:00:00
(W42M00) Additional tools 00:00:00
(W42M62) Additional Testing Tools 00:00:00
(W42M63) IIOT 00:00:00
(W42M64) Cybersecurity Best Practices for Protecting ICS 00:00:00
(W42Q04) Module 4 Review Questions 00:12:00
Final exam
(W42Q05) FINAL EXAM 00:50:00
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