Official Archives - Pentestmag
Vaibhav Malik OfficialNew Edition

The Evolving Landscape of Application Security and Zero Trust: An Interview with Vaibhav Malik

In an increasingly digital world, application security and Zero Trust architectures have become critical components of modern cybersecurity strategies. To …

Jul 02,2024

8 min read

Marco B. OfficialNew Edition

Looking at the sky: the world of Drone Pentesting

Drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), have become versatile in recent years, transforming a wide range of industries through their …

Jul 01,2024

18 min read

Mabrur Habib OfficialNew Edition

Just Script Your own Vulnerability Scanner Tools

How to script your own vulnerability scanner tools? Before we delve into the specifics of scripting your own vulnerability scanner …

Jun 28,2024

12 min read

Mitigating Zero-Day Vulnerabilities in Organizational Structures: Strategies, Impacts and Future Directions

Zero-day vulnerabilities have increasingly become a grave concern within the cybersecurity domain. A programming error flaw that is totally unknown …

Jun 27,2024

20 min read

Vaibhav Malik OfficialNew Edition

The Evolving Landscape of Application Security and Zero Trust: An Interview with Vaibhav Malik

In an increasingly digital world, application security and Zero Trust architectures have become critical components of modern cybersecurity strategies. To …

Jul 02,2024

8 min read

Marco B. OfficialNew Edition

Looking at the sky: the world of Drone Pentesting

Drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), have become versatile in recent years, transforming a wide range of industries through their …

Jul 01,2024

18 min read

Mabrur Habib OfficialNew Edition

Just Script Your own Vulnerability Scanner Tools

How to script your own vulnerability scanner tools? Before we delve into the specifics of scripting your own vulnerability scanner …

Jun 28,2024

12 min read

Mitigating Zero-Day Vulnerabilities in Organizational Structures: Strategies, Impacts and Future Directions

Zero-day vulnerabilities have increasingly become a grave concern within the cybersecurity domain. A programming error flaw that is totally unknown …

Jun 27,2024

20 min read

Aerial Assault: Combining Drones and Pentesting (W54)

Enter a short description of the course.This course explores the cutting-edge intersection of drone technology and cybersecurity penetration testing. As drones become more accessible and advanced, their potential for both offensive operations and defensive strategies grows. Participants will learn how to leverage drones for penetration testing while understanding the opportunities and challenges presented by aerial platforms in cybersecurity. This course covers the technical foundations of drones, offensive drone operations, defensive strategies against drones, and the ethical and legal implications of drone use in cybersecurity.

Mar 18,2024

8 min read

Aerospace Cybersecurity: Satellite Hacking (W53)

This course is meant for anyone who wants to learn more about space-related cybersecurity specifically in relation to satellite systems. This course is meant for anyone of any skill level who is interested in expanding their skill set in satellite reconnaissance and vulnerability analysis.

Jul 27,2023

11 min read

AutoSec Pro: Vehicle Cybersecurity Mastery (W52)

AutoSec Pro is an immersive course diving into the world of automotive cybersecurity, providing an in-depth understanding of modern vehicle systems and their vulnerabilities. This cutting-edge course leverages a hands-on approach to exploit and mitigate potential threats while seamlessly integrating the ISO 21434 standard. Harness the power of innovation and technology as you spearhead the effort to safeguard the future of smart transportation.

Jul 20,2023

15 min read

Rausson Course

Creating Advanced Ransomware with Golang (W51)

In this course, you will develop a hybrid ransomware using, that is, with two encryptions RSA and AES with a programming language that is gaining a lot of strength - Golang

May 12,2023

6 min read

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